Lower San Luis Obispo Creek Floodplain Preserve
The Lower San Luis Obispo Creek Floodplain Preserve encompasses a network of lands owned and managed by The Land Conservancy along the main stem of SLO Creek. These lands contain some of the richest riparian habitat in the watershed. The nearly 200 acre preserve is managed to provide important wildlife habitat while also support local agriculture. The Preserve currently provides agricultural leases for apple orchards, row crops, and pastures.
Over the last 15 years, creekside restoration projects have been implemented here to improve habitat for numerous wildlife species, including steelhead, California red-legged frog, and migrating birds. The Land Conservancy is currently working to expand riparian habitat surrounding the creek and create wetland habitat on the floodplain to capture flood waters and maintain groundwater health.
The Land Conservancy staff works relentlessly to remove invasive species from the creek corridor. Invasive species such as Giant Reed (Arundo donax) and Cape Ivy (Delairea odorata) outcompete native plant species which provide important habitat for wildlife.
Restoration Goals:
- Preserve and enhance native habitats surrounding San Luis Obispo Creek to protect water resources.
- Protect riparian and wetland habitats through the removal of invasive species.
- Maintain local agricultural production.
Restoration Funding Partners
- County of San Luis Obispo
- City of San Luis Obispo
- FishAmerica Foundation
- National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration
- San Luis Obispo Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Zone 9
- US Fish and Wildlife Service, Partners Program
Restoration Projects